Wednesday, 28 October 2009

More work

After november the 11th I will have alot more work up here. All of my AS and A2 work will be given back to me from college and I will scan a good deal in.

Another bit of fun.

Please view this full size. This was inspired by Kosta Stratigos. It is just a bit of fun advertising rock climbing in all its glory.

A bit of fun.

New header

I created a new header by doing alot of alteration on some vector images of animals. It should read the word graphic. I hope it is clear - if not please tell me.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Ceramics Work

Here is a bit of experimentation I did in my 6 days of ceramics work at college.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Messy Mess

In my first session ever screen-printing/letter pressing I found an old glove that I though looked great. It was lathered in ink and contrasted the crisp posters I was creating at the time. I decided to play around with using a glove as a canvas for working on and come up with the following.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Current Activities

Of late I have been working pretty hard on my foundation course work. I have been experimenting alot with different processes. In the past few weeks I have been plaster casting, mould-making, Letter pressing and Print screening. It has been fun and I will soon exhibit some work on here. I am also working on a few tee designs which i hope to make and sell.
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